Friday, July 13, 2012

Happy birthday to big big big brother :)

it's friday and i kinda, very , super happy because i have 2 days to relax my own. but, i don't think so i can relax as what it really means of it .  grhhhhhhh.. before the August holiday , we have a trial exam and what that i hope is ,at least pass lah LOL! 
btw , today is my big big big brother ,who is called "frog" . and i just back from his house :) thanks for the sharing happiness to us:) share the foods and cake! after that , we're gossip about what happened around us. it;s just like an endless story ! haha.. best nyerrrrrrrrrrrrr~

the simple 6 letters only ,
if u couldn't understand what its meaning of ,
excuse me ,
u should quit the game .

是的。我们老朋友聚一聚, 总会有说不完的话题。天下无不散之筵席,即时有不舍的心情,到最后也得离开。要来的始终要来;要走的始终要走! 嘿嘿,有点自恋啦!想念我们以前中学生活。

最近, 我明白了一个人生道理。 天底下没有一件事是容易的:D
读书也一样;做人也一样。 希望我会勇敢地熬过这些“地狱式”练习吧~

生日快乐 ,小青!
生日快乐,cikgu linda !
生日快乐daphne :D

i'm happy today

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