Friday, November 9, 2012


Yesterday,it was  8 nov 2012. haha. I'm very happy because the 1st sem just passed .but then, the second term is coming soon and i dont think i will get nice result on this sem.
A simple sentence again:  anything is not easy as what we thinking .without try harder , the last we get is just depend on how much we have done.
for the P.a , actually i didnt knew what i had wrote.GG
Math T, oh damn. shit shit shit .. some of the question , even dont have inside the syllabus  , but it come out in the sem. how come? the way..math is hard LOL
chemistry: hmmm, for me , half-half only....hope can pass then.
physics, a little bit confident but hope can get higher marks to cover the others subjects
chinese: hmm...hope can get b..

last night , i went out witf  brother's had been long time i didnt went out wif them since i started to prepare everything for my stpm 1st sem..and.i very happy ,really. i dont even smile as stupid as by the way...friendship forever :D

holiday ,is starting now. but , can i enjoy? no. i dont think so . i need to start do some exercise but, i need to clear up all the things in my home. lol...chinese new years just left few months, and need to da shao chu XD.
english, ya...i need to prepare now. and i will sit the paper on the march 2013. i want hit my target without retake. so , i know what i need to do....improve listening skill , learn as more as possible .hehe

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