Tuesday, January 22, 2013

let's countdown for chinese new year!

heLLO:D take few minutes to write my blog.
well, time really flied fast as the school mode already passed over 1month. and i , nothing different actually.
i'm doing the same thing like what i had did for last year. remind myself once again, stpm is not easy as what we think. complicated ?ya , maybe it can me simply in complicated. for the second term will be this May. All the assignment need to start do it now. hollyshit. other than that,  i take the muet on this march, which the speaking paper will be on the day after come back from CNY holiday. :(
left 28 days for practice  , and cut off the holiday , just left few day for training myself. OH men! now i can feel the stress . the target i set for my muet is band 3 (but the teacher said it just pass only , if want in "safe" place, it better to get band 4) .that;s why, i just set the target depend on how much i can do for it.

azazaza fighting.

To My dear friends,
CNY is just around the corner . Have you buy the new clothes , shoes , cut a new hair style and so on.
as long as everything must New .LOL remember , come together  to visit my house during cny ^^ 

time's gold.  dating with books again.

i'm thinking
it's impossible for me
when i look the sky
show my hand to the sky 
but the cloud is not belong me 

i'm worry about my future
 afraid  the result 

apa boleh buat :( 

just take it easy 
make it simple.
 good night 

may god bless me 

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