Thursday, September 12, 2013

feeling emotion.

here i am ....this fewdays , i quite busy with those peka and pbs . anyways, i had did many times correction for that so better gv me a higher marks. :D
ok. i'm feeling unhappy, why? no reason , just feel down. Sometime, i always ask said: dont compare youself to other , sometime, i can;t do that. Look at how i performance in academy , it's suck. even feeling that do i have the qualification into local university? seriously, i feel hopeless. Despite my friends said dont look down on myself. but pls , i believe the hardest thing is to control our own emotion. look at myself and my friend,
yes. they even clever than me, but should i blame.
yes, they are hardwork , but at the sametime i did.
yes, they tried hard, but i ady tried my best to memories as well as understand it.
they can read the book whole day, but i can't .

look at the sky. look at the ground.
feeling alone. look at aside. no one can understand my mind even myself.
strong feel that, world is still going on ..
feeling lost ...anything, just let it be...
when i smile , ppl who surrounding me will laugh ;
when i sad, there is no one know .
or it should be says, i dont even like other ppl know my feeling.
as i said it before:
 smile and happy  , that's two different things. we smile but it does mean we are living happy .
at the same time, when we are happy , we can feel the person is happy without show our their smile face. 
life is not a highway, it's up and down.

maybe something, i should express my feeling instead of keep it.

I am who i am.
and just a normal person and no a memory card.
anything i did, i promise i will try my best but i can promise i can be the perfect 1

1months to trial examination
2 months for sem3 and those repeated subjects.

thus, bless me pls! gv me energy. i like study but something i hate memorise.
aazaza fighting .
i belive
god is fair for everyone
no1 can change it

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