Monday, April 1, 2013

without u all.i will never be who i am today.

back to school life but there's nothing fun actually and all the pbs need to pass up before 15 Apr.
so , busy busy busy.and busy . lol...female dog?XD

last week, had an unforgetable memory with my friends. hang out, went something place that i had never been there b4 . met a new friend, he is really funny actually, and a fun guy actually.nice to meet u .  went to liang's house slept for 1 night , and the other day went to eat dimsum and watch movie, without homework ,teachers ,shool , it;s better but the reality wont be all the way .
saturday , went out again with jyro ,brandom and jackey...went to eat food and shoping...just take an short time to stick cause whenever back to the normal "life".  we have no time to meet anymore, the only thing can do just contact through facebook and tag each others :C

but anyways. i believe friendship is the 1 will last longer than anything .

appreciate every moment.

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