Friday, August 23, 2013

crazy life,crazy style.

After 2 weeks school holiday, i was back to school life again. as usual , i did nthg during holiday. Nothing? yeah , maybe few pages for my assignment. revision? few pages only..well , u know i is the time for us to relax or mind. haha. recently, i'm starting to prepare to muet exam again..i got b2 only , so hope can get b3 for the coming exam. speak test, writing , reading and listening. during speak test, i still can speak fluency like before, :P god bless me . writing,  pls  pls pls. let me write more. so, my readers, i will take few minutes to update my blog, keep it touch with my blog, ok? love u .XD for the reading part, actually it the part to we need score as much as possible, but the problem is, my vocabulary it limited. listening? hmm, need to hear very carefully . i words miss then no marks.
for the coming november , will be my exam days. since still left 2 months plus few days more , and now i still no ready for it..sem 3, it;s hard ... especially the chemistry , all the chemical reaction can drive my crazy man! tell u the truth, i dont know what the hell it talk about..well.. just shut up and read it ,do more exercise then hope everything fine. there have 3 subjects i need to prepare for the repeat paper, oh god. how come. by right now i need to work very hard, spent 100% of time on the rivision , but then , everyday i still online , ply games, feel  sleepy. PLS, slap my face.let me away from the computer. and the assignment , pls dont too much correction , i need u but u better dont bully me .
is the time to prepare for the next class.for the coming 2 months, let me beat all the papers and books. i hate to solve the question , but i like to read the answer .how to so pelik 1.kk try to use pelik it supposed to be weird .

today, busy with my works.

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