Saturday, July 7, 2012

Be the one of the rilakkuma's fans!

It's saturday   today.  sorry for that I wouldn't going to touch any books today. yeaH ! it stressful when i'm sitting in class . STPM is not that easy you think . should i say it hard , difficult ? erm.. sometimes i felt blur in the class .  Teacher kept talk in front of the class, students kept copy down all the notes that given. T.T it should said bored .well ignore about it :D
 Now the class is very very very quite! even i could heard the sound of wind ,there's only has 22 students in the class :(   another "great" new is there's only 6 student in the Bio class , don't worry, dont cry and be enjonable :D yun qian and kong , get it what i mean?:P  when the math lesson , hermmmm, finally , the 1st chapter finished and there still lots need to practice more exercise. How about the chemistry ? herm, the test that given by the teacher yesterday , i already tried my best to answered it :(  PA subject , "SUCK" is the most easy word which can simply what that the essay i wrote yesterday. damn it. Almost 6 months I didnot write the BM essay . actually , i don't know what i wrote yesterday ,  <<<< OH MY GOD! i should read more BM essay then .
this morning , we have chinese class  , i really appreciate that i 'm pure chinese boy and can speak well in mandarin . Although there's lots and lots names , places that needed to memorize , btw , i will never give up in all the subjects including chinese :D

guys, did u notice that the wallpaper was changed ? if not, it doesn't matter. haha.......but , i'm sure that my tittle was interested more:P  YES < I 'm the one of the RILAKKUMA's fans :D . nothg so much to say ,
 just because it's cute enough , that;s all..LOL...

nevertheless (the word that i always saw whenever before ended  the articleXD)  , nothing is difficult , unless you stay there and never try somethings. 24 hours is not enough for me . because i like to sleep . if i can't get enough sleep , i can't focus in the class.  if i can't focus in class , i will get nothing in the class.if i get nothing in class , i'm going GG in result. so............................(sot-ing)'s stressful in the class and ALL the best! BYEBE ..

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