Friday, July 27, 2012

July is ending soon and Ogos is coming !

well. i just done my preparation for chines test tomorrow. sometimes, no matter how hard u try to achieve , but the result will not come as what we wish.. and the time wont wait for us, the july is ending soon .
how long the time we still have to prepare for our 1st semester. 4 months like that. some of the topics , i still confuse and  not understand\;( 
teacher had told us today :  all of you are getting sit in the examination on this november ! exam class mah!
so , is that we need to join the KK ? the exam class suppose can escape from K.k activities ,am i right?
if u said that K.K point is important to us , then all right! why the time must start on 3 o'clock until 5 pm. it can start earlier so that we can finish earlier . even now is bulan puasa. gekdao... this school have lots of awesome laws and ..speechless. LOL
end here....go bed now..

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