Friday, September 20, 2013


**** hello, i back here again! here the place i think the most safe ever. i can write everything i like , i want as i what i want to express. To my followers and readers , make a promise with me , after read my blog..just let it be and dont ask why or who .. what i mention early, i like emo and just express all the unfair things happen on my own. Anyways , i dont blame anyone , and i just act like Who care.
Muet ,is the second time i take it and i wish i can get better band on this time. But of course,  i will try as much as i can to improve writing skill ,speaking skill , listening skill as well as reading. 
other than that, next month will be our trial exam and hope everything i can do well in all the papers.
Sorry for the late update due to busy with my PBS and experiment ...Since all the things must pass up before the due date , i need to stay until late night and just feel no energy to walk even to talk . how can i get 8 hours per day  as all the profession said that it;s very important to us especially for students.
just write until the correction again.

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